Saturday, April 11, 2009

The gathering nonsense

Clearly, some people failed to get the memo that went out after the November election saying that fear-mongering no longer can be used to justify shredding the Constitution.

Left off the delivery list was the National Organization of Marriage, a group that has launched a 2 Million for Marriage campaign with the deliciously ironic acronym 2M4M - get it M4M. Their latest trick is this TV ad full of Night of the Living Dead zombies and fallacious propaganda that now is running in five states:

You should know that none of the people in the ad are actually who they claim to be. They aren't doctors or church workers or parents. They're actors. I suppose they couldn't find anyone who really fit those categories. Here are some of the audition tapes:

And the just-discovered lost audition tape.

The NOM spot would be hilarious if not for the fact that too many people - including many of my own relatives back in Louisiana - will see it, nod in agreement and whisper, "Those gays and lesbians scare the bejebus out of me too."

Some thoughtful and entertaining responses already have surfaced on YouTube. Take a look at this one, and be sure to watch it to the end:

I'm still waiting for someone - ANYONE - to give me the name of a single person who has suffered harm from same-sex marriage.

While I wait, I'm happy to provide the names of millions of gays and lesbians who pay a price every day for not having the full rights of citizenship promised by our laws.

I'll make things easy and start the list with my name.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'll add my name. Thanks for that Keith. It's just mind-boggling that gay marriage is perceived as a threat by anyone. Puh-lease!