Before Katrina: 1,319,589
Now: 929,554 (-30 %)
Before: 5.8%
Now: 17.5%
Open business
Before: 81,000
Now: 62,436 (20,368 opened partially)
FEMA trailers
Requested: 64,791
Occupied: 19,300

Public libraries
Before: 54
Now: 30
Before: 20
Now: 12
Hospital beds
Before: 4,000
Now: 1,700
Psych beds (in New Orleans only)
Before: N/A
Now: 4
Before: 265
Now: 100
Hotel rooms
Before: 38,338
Now: 27,000 (many occupied by displaced residents)
1 comment:
Here's a scary figure I heard on a TV show last week concerning post-Katrina suicides of prominent Nawlins' citizens:
Number of daily calls to local suicide hot line before Katrina: 150
After Katrina: 900
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