With news breaking last week of the capture of polygamist-renegade
Fundamentalis Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints prophet-FBI fugitive Warren Jeffs, our trip to the Utah-Arizona border area wouldn't have been complete without a stop in
Colorado City and

The towns, which run together across the state line, are home to members of the church known in shorthand as FLDS, a group that spilt from the Mormon church decades ago and practices plural love.
We tried to be discreet as we drove through town snapping photos of locals wearing traditional FLDS garb - a late 19th Century-inspired dress code that reminded me of the Pentecostals whom I used to encounter in central Louisiana.

The large, rambling houses that fill the towns leave little room for doubt about living arrangements.

1 comment:
Great photos Keith. I enjoy your updates... keep 'em coming!
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