Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Joy and dignity at last

Ex-Marine Bob Lehman (left) and Tom Felkner became the first same-sex couple to wed outside the San Diego County Administration Center after the county clerk's office started handing out marriage licenses at 7 a.m.

Rex and I got up early to witness history. (No, we weren't one of the couples who got married today. But thanks for asking. You can say we're engaged but haven't set a date.)
This might have been my favorite couple. They were accompanied by their triplets and a fourth child. Guess that kills the gays-can't-have-kids theory.

These girls were very excited to show off their daddies' wedding rings to the crowd.

When I was in college, my friends and I dreamed of seeing East and West Germany re-united before we died. Even in 1987 in the midst of Glasnost, we couldn't imagine that the fall of the Iron Curtain was just around the corner - not decades away.

Today my version of the Berlin Wall came tumbling down, and once again I didn't have to wait until I was old and gray to see it happen. Makes me wonder what's next - astronauts landing on Mars?

1 comment:

Joe said...

Wasn't it great?! I went to city hall here in San Francisco. It was just amazing to me to see the joy that day. I cannot imagine that happening in NOLA. Glad to be back in CA for this.

I didn't realize you moved to CA. How are you enjoying it? I left our little home on Dauphine just over a year ago.

Great to see you!