Sunday, February 04, 2007

New York deep freeze

Burrrrrrrrrrrr! The temperature was hovering around 18 degrees (F) - with a wind chill near ZERO - when I arrived at Union Square (above) Sunday morning. My journalism conference spent the day at an innovative non-profit health insurance plan headquartered a block off the square.

It wasn't very crowded on the No. 4 subway train when I boarded at Grand Central Station.

At the end of the day's sessions, I decided to walk the 28 blocks back to the hotel down Park Avenue.

Did I mention the cold!?!

The high barely hit 25. But it's only going to get worse. The low tonight is 12.

Meanwhile, the temperature hit a balmy 75 today back in sunny San Diego.

I'm in New York until Tuesday when I fly to London to meet Rex for some vacation time. He's been in the U.K. since Tuesday. Check out his blog here for the latest on his London adventures.

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